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Reiki Therapy

Reiki is a form of energy healing. It is an ancient laying-on hands healing technique that is used to restore a more balanced energy flow throughout the body. It involved the transfer of energy from practioner to patient to improvethe body's natural ability to heal itself through the balancing of energy. 

Come Experience the channel of life force energy.

Sessions range from 30-60 minutes and are $60.00 per session. 









Through the use of angel cards and channeling, Taralee recieves messages from your guides, angels and spirits that she gives to you.

A reading can 1/2 hour or 1 hour and can be done in person, through email or phone{(voice call or text). 

1 hour reading is $80.00
1/2 hour reading is $40.00


Angel Parties

Contact Taralee for Angel/Group Party information



Energy Clearing

Our energy systems are alive and intelligent. They know exactly what they need for perfect health and vibrant energy. When our energy systems are disrupted, blocked, slowed down, or damaged, messages are sent to the conscious level that something is wrong and that we need to address imbalances, blockages and damage. A energy clearing is a clearing these issues. 

Energy clearings are $40.00

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